Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey day!

Happy Thanksgiving wherever you are. No matter what country we should spend time being thankful for whatever we have. It can always be worse and there are always many people in this world who are worse off than you. I am so grateful for a loving Saviour, a loving family (even the 14 yr old who refuses to say that), a warm home, my pets, my job and my husbands job, and my church family. Even though any of these things can be taken away at a moments notice, (except for God), I still choose to be thankful for what I have now, even in the less than perfect times.

Today we had snow. I am not a fan, but am thankful for the photo op., and the fact we have a fireplace to keep us warm. Now it's raining and may come in the front door as usual, but hey, we HAVE a front door! Here's some pics...

This is our backyard pond and bird feeder. Doesn't snow look so pretty at the beginning? When it's white and fluffy and clean? This is also where Mr Squirrel comes and actually opens the snap lid plastic tub that we store the food in. Mr Chipmunk climbs the pole and gets inside the feeder (sometimes getting stuck) and makes a mess. I don't think the birds appreciate it.

On the knitting front, the hat and headband are done, one sleeve from the forever sweater is done, and the little felted tote bag is knitted. Maybe tomorrow I'll felt it. I am also working on a felted purse for a friends birthday. I'd "like" to finish up all my projects by the new year but.... this is what I end up doing. They have the right idea.

Tilly is the black and white on the left, sam is the orange tiger in the middle and our newest little gal is Luci, the white and grey on the right. Sam and Luci are great friends. Tilly holds much suspicion for this new intruder but is getting better. At least she'll be in the same room now.

May everyone have a wonderful thanksgiving!

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