When good knitting goes bad, it just might not be the knittings fault. I love to put blame on others, even if the others are inanimate objects. Here be a picture of my almost finished Rogue sweater. This is the hood.
See the fancy cables? Yes, they are laying exactly as I wanted. They look continuous across the head even though they're not. They are carefully, with a 3 needle bind off grafted together. They are a thing of beauty.
See the dent on the back of the hood? Yes, you're seeing it right even if you're not a knitter. It goes straight across the cables and then dips down about 1.5" very quickly. Then it goes on at a new level for a couple inches. My head is not shaped like this. I'd venture to say no ones head is shaped like this. This is Very Wrong. This requires Hot Chocolate with Raspberry Syrup since I don't drink hard liquor. Though I could very well take it up. Imagine a sweater beating up on an adult human being! It boggles the mind, and yet, that's the situation.
Now, before all my knitterly friends jump in and tell me what I did wrong, I found out. See, one should fully read the directions before jumping willy nilly (I like the sound of that) into the way you think it should be. Now I'm stuck unknitting the stupid seam I put in. You see, the seam line shouldn't be going from front to back in the plain part. At that point (after the cables) the seam should go side to side picking up the edge left over after the cables went together. So now that's where I am and mighty unhappy about it. This sweater should be laying on a towel drying itself in the sun (never mind we had no sun today, only torrential downpours which flooded my basement, I am sooo sorry Adrienne) in preparation to getting its sleeves sewn on. It still needs a hem, and to be steeked and a zipper put in. Non knitters: To steek means to Cut The Knitting That You Spent Hours Of Your Life Knitting Together. Usually this activity is begun with a large drink of wine. One doesn't want to mess with this sort of thing having drunk whisky you see. That would be over the top. However, seeing as above, I do not partake of the Spirits and need now my Hot Chocolate with Raspberry Syrup, I will leave blogland and go forth to imbibe and knit in that order.
Judy (Remember, friends don't let friends knit drunk)
1 comment:
Hee hee hee!! I am happy you are blogging again! Although- I hate to say it- I can't see the pictures. :-( Maybe it's just my computer, I dunno.
Here's some hot chocolate and vodka for you, Miss Knitty- now, get to it!
:-) Love,
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