Oh my gosh, I cannot believe it has been so long since I have written here. Well, now that my friends Nate and Neb have left town I guess I have to be more consistant. I can't promise but I'll try.
Since I posted last our addition hasn't moved much. Not much you can do without money. Hah! But I have been doing grunt work around the yard which doesn't cost much.
I worked on the pond some more, this is a photo of it at the beginning.
I wanted to post pics that are on my camera of "what we did on Jerrys vacation" but as usual I can't find the camera cord to download them. I will try to do that later.
In fiberland I've been working on the Orkney Pi shawl knit along, and a friends very belated Christmas/birthday gift of pillows. In between I tried to get going on some socks but have had a hard time of it. I start and rip, start another and rip. Just can't get solidly into one.
Mostly I've been on a reading jag. Most recently I read "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch which was excellent! Right now I'm finishing The Shack by William P. Young, a vrey interesting look at our perceptions of God and our universe. How we see good vs. evil, what our purpose is, how to have a better relationship with God. I do think he's gone a bit far on the relationship and not having anything under obiedience which is biblical also. Some Deep Thoughts in there. I'm about to dive into Ted Dekkers Shadowland. I've been a fan of his a few months now and this is the next one I have in the line.
Health has been good. I still go for the checkups every couple months with the oncologist and once a month get an IV infusion of a calcium drug to help with the osteoporosis but that's about it. Then I had a root canal done this afternoon. Not bad. He's new to me and very high tech. Has a tv on the ceiling (not that I could hear it over the drill) and neato gadgets.
Boy it has been awhile cause now I can't figure out how to move the pics around. They all look to me as writing until I preview and then they come up. Before they appeared as pictures and I could mouse over them and move them. Now? Not so much. You'll have to make do with words I guess....
If I can figure the picture thing I'll post them but don't hold your breath! So this fascinating post must come to a close so I can finish some stuff and get to bed.